★ R -- 双対尺度法(分割表から) ★

 430 R -- 双対尺度法(分割表から)  青木繁伸  2002/01/29 (火) 23:00

430. R -- 双対尺度法(分割表から)  青木繁伸  2002/01/29 (火) 23:00
dual <- function(tbl)
    nr <- nrow(tbl)
    nc <- ncol(tbl)
    ft <- sum(tbl)
    fr <- apply(tbl, 1, sum)
    fc <- apply(tbl, 2, sum)
    temp <- sqrt(outer(fc, fc))
    w <- t(tbl)%*%(tbl/matrix(fr, nr, nc))/temp-temp/ft
    res <- eigen(w)
    ne <- length(res$values[res$values > 1e-5])
    vec <- res$vectors[,1:ne]
    val <- res$values[1:ne]
    names(val) <- paste("Axis", 1:ne)
    col.weight <- vec*matrix(sqrt(ft/fc),nc, ne)
    row.weight <- tbl%*%col.weight/outer(fr, sqrt(val))
    cont <- val/sum(diag(w))*100
    chi.sq <- -(ft-1-(nr+nc-1)/2)*log(1-val)
    df <- nr+nc-1-2*(1:ne)
    result <- matrix(c(val, sqrt(val), cont, cumsum(cont), chi.sq, df, pchisq(chi.sq, df, lower=F)), byrow=TRUE, ncol=ne)
    rownames(result) <- c("eta square", "correlation", "contribution", "cumulative contribution", "Chi square value", "degrees of freedom", "P value")
    colnames(result) <- colnames(row.weight) <- colnames(col.weight) <- paste("Axis", 1:ne)
    rownames(row.weight) <- paste("Row", 1:nr)
    rownames(col.weight) <- paste("Col", 1:nc)

    list(result=result, "row weight"=row.weight, "column weight"=col.weight, "row weight(weighted by eta square)"=row.weight*sqrt(matrix(val,byrow=TRUE,nr,ne)), "column weight(weighted by eta square)"=col.weight*sqrt(matrix(val,byrow=TRUE,nc,ne)))

# 使用例

tbl <- matrix(c(
2, 3, 5, 6,
5, 1, 7, 5,
5, 3, 4, 3
), byrow=TRUE, ncol=4)


                             Axis 1       Axis 2
eta square               0.04905396   0.03765652
correlation              0.22148129   0.19405288
contribution            56.57212279  43.42787721
cumulative contribution 56.57212279 100.00000000
Chi square value         2.26340816   1.72727308
degrees of freedom       4.00000000   2.00000000
P value                  0.68743886   0.42162603

$"row weight"
          Axis 1      Axis 2
Row 1  1.4355847 -0.03995533
Row 2 -0.6650934  1.13131472
Row 3 -0.7331783 -1.31495864

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