メイン oddsratio.html   Last modified: Sep 01, 2009
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<script language="JavaScript">
function sub1(p, or, se) {
  var z = pxg(p)
  var lo = Math.exp(Math.log(or)-z*se)
  var up = Math.exp(Math.log(or)+z*se)
  printf("%i%%信頼限界 [ %g , %g ]\n", 100-p*200, lo, up)

function calc(frm)
  var or, se
  var a = frm.a.value
  var b = frm.b.value
  var c = frm.c.value
  var d = frm.d.value
  if (isNaN(a) || a != Math.ceil(a) || a <= 0 ||
    isNaN(b) || b != Math.ceil(b) || b <= 0 ||
    isNaN(c) || c != Math.ceil(c) || c <= 0 ||
    isNaN(d) || d != Math.ceil(d) || d <= 0) {
  or = a*d/(b*c)
  se = Math.sqrt(1/a+1/b+1/c+1/d)
  printf("%5i %5i\n%5i %5i\n", a, b, c, d)
  printf("オッズ比 = %g\n", or)
  sub1(0.05, or, se)
  sub1(0.025, or, se)
  sub1(0.005, or, se)

<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<font size="+2"><b>オッズ比とその信頼区間</b></font> <a  href="src/oddsratio.html"><img src="png/src.png" width=35 height=11 alt="src" align=top></a>     Last modified: Jun 01, 2006<hr noshade><p>
<font color="#ff0000" size="+2">以下のプログラムのサポートは終了しました。自己責任でお使い下さい。</font>

<form name=Result>
<script language="JavaScript">
//-->JavaScript がサポートされていないブラウザですか?
    <td rowspan=2>群</td>
    <td>a <input name="a" value="" size=5></td>
    <td>b <input name="b" value="" size=5></td>
    <td>c <input name="c" value="" size=5></td>
    <td>d <input name="d" value="" size=5></td>
    <td nowrap><br><input type="button" name="calcurate" value="計算開始" onClick="calc(this.form)"></td>
    <td nowrap><br><input type="button" name="clear" value="入力欄クリア" onClick="this.form.a.value=this.form.b.value=this.form.c.value=this.form.d.value=''"></td>
    <td nowrap><br><input type="button" name="clear" value="出力欄クリア" onClick="this.form.result.value=''"></td>

出力欄<br><textarea name="result" ROWS=24 COLS=80></textarea>
<p><hr noshade>
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サブ pxg.js   Last modified: Mar 25, 2004
サブ io.js   Last modified: Mar 25, 2004

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