メイン corr2.html   Last modified: Sep 01, 2009
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function pea(x, y, n)
  var i, mx, my, vx, vy, vxy, sdx, sdy, r, a, b
  mx = my = vx = vy = vxy = 0
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    mx += x[i]; my += y[i]
  mx /= n
  my /= n

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    vx += Math.pow(x[i]-mx, 2)
    vy += Math.pow(y[i]-my, 2)
    vxy += (x[i]-mx)*(y[i]-my)
  vx /= n-1
  vy /= n-1
  vxy /= n-1
  sdx = Math.sqrt(vx)
  sdy = Math.sqrt(vy)
  printf("%6s%15s%15s%15s\n", "", "平均値", "不偏分散", "標準偏差")
  printf("%6s%15.7g%15.7g%15.7g\n", "変数 X", mx, vx, sdx)
  printf("%6s%15.7g%15.7g%15.7g\n\n", "変数 Y", my, vy, sdy)
  printf("共分散 = %g\n", vxy)
  if (sdx*sdy == 0) {
  else {
    r = vxy/sdx/sdy
    printf("ピアソンの積率相関係数 = %g\n", r)
  if (vx == 0) {
  else {
    a = vxy/vx
    b = my-a*mx
    printf("回帰直線の傾き = %g\n", a)
    printf("回帰直線の切片 = %g\n", b)

function order(x, xo, n)
  var i, j, tie, eq, less
  tie = 0
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    eq = less = 0
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      if (x[j] == x[i]) {
      else if (x[j] < x[i]) {
    xo[i] = less+(eq+1)/2
    tie += eq*eq-1
  return tie

function spe(x, y, n)
  var i, xo, yo, tx, ty, d = 0, temp
  xo = new Array(n)
  yo = new Array(n)
  tx = (n*n*n-n-order(x, xo, n))/12
  ty = (n*n*n-n-order(y, yo, n))/12
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    d += Math.pow(xo[i]-yo[i], 2)
  temp = 2*Math.sqrt(tx*ty)
  if (temp == 0) {
  else {
    printf("スピアマンの順位相関係数 = %g\n", (tx+ty-d)/temp)

function order2(x, n)
  var i, j, eq, tie = 0
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    eq = 0
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      if (x[j] == x[i]) eq++
    tie += eq-1
  return tie

function ken(x, y, n)
  var i, j, p, q, temp
  p = q = 0
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
      if (x[i] > x[j]) {
        if (y[i] > y[j]) {
        else if (y[i] < y[j]) {
      else if (x[i] < x[j]) {
        if (y[i] < y[j]) {
        else if (y[i] > y[j]) {
  temp = Math.sqrt(n*(n-1)-order2(x, n))*Math.sqrt(n*(n-1)-order2(y, n))
  if (temp == 0) {
  else {
    printf("ケンドールの順位相関係数 = %g\n", (p-q)/temp)

function calc(data_string)
  var i, nc, nv, data, x, y
  if ((data = getdata(data_string, 2)) == false) return
  nc = data.length
  nv = data[0].length
  if (nc < 2) {

  x = new Array(nc)
  y = new Array(nc)
  for (i = 0; i < nc; i++) {
    x[i] = data[i][0]
    y[i] = data[i][1]

  printf("標本サイズ = %i\n", nc)
  printf("★ 2変数のデータ水準が順序尺度以下のとき\n")
  spe(x, y, nc)
  ken(x, y, nc)

  printf("★ 2変数のデータ水準が間隔尺度以上のとき\n")
  pea(x, y, nc)


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<font size="+2"><b>二変数間の相関係数および回帰直線</b></font> <a  href="src/corr2.html"><img src="png/src.png" width=35 height=11 alt="src" align=top></a>     Last modified: Jun 01, 2006<hr noshade><p>
<font color="#ff0000" size="+2">以下のプログラムのサポートは終了しました。自己責任でお使い下さい。</font>

<form name=Result>
<script language="JavaScript">
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入力: 順序尺度または間隔尺度・比尺度の二変数データ<br>
出力: ピアソンの積率相関係数,回帰直線の傾きと切片(間隔尺度・比尺度の場合に限り有効)<br>
<img src="../gra/button3.png" width=9 height=9 alt="・"> <A HREF="../lecture/Soukan/pearson.html">手法の解説(1)</a> 
<img src="../gra/button3.png" width=9 height=9 alt="・"> <A HREF="../lecture/Soukan/spearman.html">手法の解説(2)</a> 
<img src="../gra/button3.png" width=9 height=9 alt="・"> <A HREF="../lecture/Soukan/kendall.html">手法の解説(3)</a> <img src="../gra/button3.png" width=9 height=9 alt="・"> <a href="exa/corr2.html">使用法</a>
<td><input type="button" name="calcurate" value="計算開始" onClick="calc(this.form.data.value)">  </td>
<td><input type="button" name="clear" value="入力欄クリア" onClick="this.form.data.value=''">  </td>
<td><input type="button" name="clear" value="出力欄クリア" onClick="this.form.result.value=''"></td>
<td>入力欄<br><textarea name="data" ROWS=20 COLS=20></textarea></td>
<td>出力欄<br><textarea name="result" ROWS=20 COLS=80></textarea></td>

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